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Buy gourmet coffee and organic tea in Almaty

Offer type: salePublished: 15.03.2014
Seller:Khoroshev Andrey
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Address:Republic of Kazakhstan
Dear and respected connoisseurs of luxury coffees and organic teas! You have a unique opportunity to purchase Premium STARBUCKS coffee - Columbia, Kenya, Guatemala Antigua and Organic Ethiopia, natural teas TAZO - apricot with vanilla (Apricot Vanilla crème), blueberry (Berryblossom), African Rooibos with citrus (Citrus Rooibos) and classic black tea (English Breakfast) with a DISCOUNT up to 30%!!! The CAMPAIGN will LAST about 2 WEEKS! The best offer this year!!! Be in trend, drink Starbucks!
All conditions by reference
Phone 87074789272, 87777063276 - Andrew, 87078387710-Daniyar
Online store gourmet coffee and tea