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Auto business

Offer type: salePublished: 11.03.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
Type of offer: Sale
Activity: the auto business
Type of property: rental property
Cost: 1.5 million rubles
Area: 40 sq. m
Sold shares of business: 100%
Reason for sale: Moving to another city.
Main directions of activity of the enterprise:
1.Registration of vehicles by the system of voluntary and compulsory third party liability insurance.
2.The execution of transactions on buying and selling cars
3.The inspection
4.Buy a car
5.The sale
6.The independent examination after the accident
7.Auto evacuation
8.The tinted cars
9.The Car Evaluation
10.Selection Of Cars
11.Other services
Payback period: 6 months
Monthly revenue: 445 000 rubles
Monthly net income: 250 000 rubles