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liquid smoke smoke flavoring

Offer type: salePublished: 07.03.2014
Seller:lobza fyodor
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One of the most promising directions of the improvement of technology and machinery to smoke food is the use of smoke flavourings.
Since 2003, according to the Sanitary-epidemiological rules and norms all smoke drugs belong to Supplement the flavor of the smoke. flavor of smoke (smoke) - a food flavoring derived from filtered smoke used in traditional Smoking;Smoke flavourings water-based is aqueous solutions of the components of smoke or products of dry distillation of wood, water or acid extracts of wood, as well as aqueous solutions of mixtures of substances with smoke properties.The main way to obtain Smoking flavors is the pyrolysis of wood (mostly solid rock) and subsequent condensation of the smoke in the aquatic environment. An important stage is the allocation of water condensate resin and resinous substances. During storage at a temperature of 5...35 operating system condensate remains relatively stable in composition over several years