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Offer type: salePublished: 01.04.2015
Price:8 UAH
Seller:Prilipko Vadim
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv
Burlap material beautiful by its versatility in terms of implementation. But who knew this the material has long captivated billions masters of the whole world?
Can to do a lot of things from burlap. Burlap bizarre material to work with, but it has a special charm,DIY burlap can give your home a very chic vintage style, and you can make them easily and effortlessly. Burlap organic material and, therefore, decomposes, becoming part of the root zone. The main criterion for the survival of plants, it the condition of the root system. Opportunities for the development of the roots of higher plants in nutritious, good mechanical composition of the soil. To preserve native the soil composition is formed ohms and tightly tied up in a burlap sack. The material selected not by accident. Spruce, clods which, wrapped in burlap, are stacked in such a way that during transport they are being damaged or knocked out the transport.