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Thermocontractable packing machine EKH

Offer type: salePublished: 22.03.2013
Seller:Popereshnyak Sergej
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Address:Ukraine, Donets'ka Oblast', Donetsk
“EKH” is a compact, shrink machine, chamber type, ergonomic design and modern design, which are intended for packaging in shrink film. Due to the fact that Zapadnye knives mounted in the cover shrink chamber, all packaging operations: welding, cutting and shrinking of the film occur at the same time. Continuous adjustment of the temperature in the shrink chamber machines allows the use of a film thickness of 15÷30 μm. The transparent cover shrink the camera allows continuous visual control of the packaging process.
The opportunity to work in three modes:
welding, cutting and shrinking;
welding, cutting and shrinking delay;
welding and cutting.
Adjusting the duration of welding, the temperature and the duration of shrinkage.
The table height adjustment shrink chamber.
Adjusting the width of the feeder.
Pre-perforated film.
The presence of a magnet to hold the cover smoke houses.
The location of the machine on a trolley with wheels.
The use of films of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyolefin (POF).