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Support for participation in tenders. The participation guarantee

Offer type: servicesPublished: 22.03.2013
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
LLC "Legal Agency Legal choice" provides services to support participation in tenders in the Moscow region.
Guarantee the participation in the tender!
Full cycle support - from EDS to the preparation of complaints to the FAS.
Work experience - 6 years.
Possible remote option.
We invite you to cooperate with companies from all regions of Russia to participate in the tenders of the Moscow region.
Our services:
- design and obtaining digital signature
- accreditation on electronic platforms
- analysis of the documentation You are interested in the auction, the rationale of participation, discussion of all of the moments directly with the customer
- preparation of bids for the auction in full (1 and 2)
- preparation of complaints to the FAS
representing Your company in the FAS.