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Modern hostel in M. Vasileostrovskaya

Offer type: salePublished: 21.03.2013
Seller:Igor' Vnukov
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
The current hostel in property in St. Petersburg, an area of 135 m2, located on the elite pedestrian street, just a 2-minute walk from M. Vasileostrovskaya, close to the city centre and key attractions. The street is famous for its many cafés and restaurants, as well as an active creative life.
All the equipment is new, made of high-quality repair. The hostel has 6 clean, spacious and furnished rooms with a total capacity of 38 people (3 rooms 4 persons, 2 room 8-seater, 1 room for 10 persons).
The hostel has a fully equipped kitchen, reception Desk, Wi-Fi.
Work in collaboration with the reservation systems. A large number of requests for the upcoming season. A lot of positive reviews on the hostel. Experienced Manager.