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Offer type: salePublished: 19.03.2013
Seller:Maurcheva Ekaterina
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Address:Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan'
Tweezers with an atraumatic vascular meats h,5 mm, h,5 mm
Designed for grasping, dissection of tissue and blood vessels and retention suture materials. The working part is atraumatic notch, allowing a smaller injure tissue.
Forceps for coagulation h,0 mm
Pinet anatomical 150 mm,200 mm,250 mm
The tweezer has at the end of the notch, allowing you to gently hold the cloth and not injure them, but their retention is not stable. Anatomical tweezers used in interventions on delicate fabrics
The surgical tweezers 150 mm,200 mm, 250 mm
Surgical tweezers, through the branches, provided with teeth, well and securely hold tight tissue - fascia, aponeurosis and skin. But they injure delicate tissues.
Tweezers subcategory 150 mm,200 mm
The tweezer is designed to capture the Dura mater.