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The hemostatic clip "Bellot"

Offer type: salePublished: 19.03.2013
Seller:Maurcheva Ekaterina
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Address:Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan'
The hemostatic clip,serrated,straight No. 1 160 mm
The hemostatic clip,serrated,curved No. 1 158 mm
The hemostatic clip,serrated,straight No. 2 198 mm
The hemostatic clamp,notched,bent No. 2 196 mm
The hemostatic clamp,notched,bent No. 3 270 mm
The hemostatic clip,serrated,straight No. 3 270 mm
The hemostatic clip clips used to temporarily stop the bleeding.
Clip Billroth has the exciting branches of the notches, thus less traumatic tissue, but captures their fragile