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Substation control house in block-modules "SANDWICH"

Offer type: salePublished: 14.03.2013
Seller:Gurvich Mark
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Substation control house in the composition of KTPB
(hereafter PP ), are produced in two main versions:
SDA-7 - represent a module with a single door and deaf insulated end wall
overall dimension (LxWxH, mm) GH (mm);
SDA-8 consists of two modules at the installation site are joined by their ends, forming one common room
with two doors and dimensions (LxWxH, mm) (h)HH (mm).
The mass of the units with equipment about 6000 kg
The substation control house PP-7 PP-8 are made of insulated sandwich panels (sandwich panels).
In SDAS are mounted lighting systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning (split system ), at the request of the customer, fire and burglar alarm systems.
Design and mass plots allow you to transport it from the factory fully assembled.
It is also proposed location of the equipment in modular building that can be combined with switchgear 20,10(6) kV.
In SDA posted :
substation equipment circuits of the relay protection, automation, control and alarm systems;
equipment high-frequency communication;
telemechanics, iisque;
boards and panels of own needs;
rechargeable battery;
the organization and equipment of the control current, SWAT, AUOT;
and other auxiliary equipment;
(495) 720-70-42; 903-720-70-42 ; 8-903-6471471 ; Electromarket