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Arc protection, solid state relay, voltage, time, and sensors

Offer type: salePublished: 13.03.2013
Seller:Smolich Elena Gennadievna
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Pushkino
To protect substations arc protection GADFLY-MD, the GADFLY-L and relay arc protection AGB.
Relay: voltage, time, current, intermediate, solid, etc.
Thermal relays and controllers, thermistor protection.
The switches of the phases of the PEF and the relay selection phase RVF.
Device surge protection USM and devices motor protection operation-301 and other
The counters will become hours , pulses, tachometers SIM.
The optical sensors inductive, capacitive. Voltmeters and ammeters.
The power regulators , starters, power supplies , frequency converters.