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Five Secrets of personnel management. Action: -70%

Offer type: servicesPublished: 06.03.2013
Seller:Valerij Kazarin
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
The training is intended for:
for business owners;
- for TOP managers and middle managers;
for the chiefs of the lower level, beginner leaders and management personnel;
for managers and specialists of HR services.
This training is for You if:
you need to gain practice and theory of good governance,
- like "crack" to expel half idlers,
- annoying low qualification of personnel,
- not enough time and effort to start new profitable projects
- tired of being "Cerberus" and to get employees to work for a salary at 100 percent,
- You want to put the control on the machine and to reduce costs.
Already in the process of learning