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Offer type: salePublished: 01.03.2015
Price:14 $
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk

Insecticide Mospilan - systemic insecticide with contact-intestinal action against the representatives of the orders ranarridh, Coleoptera and Hemiptera and Lepidoptera

Insecticide Mospilan - the latest systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action against representatives of groups ranarridh, Coleoptera and Heteroptera and Lepidoptera.

The active substance of the drug acetamiprid (class acetamide).
The effect of the drug on harmful organisms is unique and differs from currently used pesticides: acetamiprid interacts with the nicotine-acetylcholine receptor postsynaptic membrane as competitor acetylcholine.
But unlike acetylcholine, the active ingredient of the drug MOSPILAN - acetamiprid not destroyed, which causes a disturbance in the transmission of nerve impulse across the synapse and the insect dies.

Mospilan has the following advantages:

Has a systemic and contact action and is able to apply through the plant. Therefore, the effect of the drug against the pest also on the raw parts of plants
thanks to a new mechanism of action of harmful objects, it is not apparent stability
maintains high biological efficiency at normal and elevated temperatures
has no phytotoxicity.

The period of the protective action of the drug - 14-21 day low toxicity to warm-blooded animals, hazard class - 3

low toxicity towards pollinators - bees and bumblebees, a safety factor of 3
compatible with most application of pesticides, except for the strongly alkaline
does not cake during storage, does not change its properties at temperature fluctuation.

It should, however, note that the Insecticide Mospilan it has high insecticidal activity against certain types entomophages. For example, after processing plants in the imago Encarsia die, although pupae in mummies remain viable. Not it is recommended to use biological method of pest in combination with treatment with the drug.

The consumption norms

MOSPILAN approved for use in tomatoes and cucumbers closed ground against the greenhouse whitefly with the consumption rate of the drug 0.15-0.2 kg/ha;

On wheat against the bedbug harmful bug with consumption rate of 0,05-0,075 kg/ha and against the grain carabids 0,15-0,175 kg/ha;

On the potato against the Colorado potato beetle at the rate of 0.025-0,030 kg/g and potato cow at the rate of 0.1-0,125 kg/ha

For private households MOSPILAN registered for use on potato against the Colorado potato beetle with a consumption rate of 0.5 to 0.6 g/10 liters of water and against potato cow when the usage rate of 2.0-2.4 g/10 liters of water at the rate of fluid flow 5.0 liters per 100 sq m

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