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The Invigorating herbal tea (toning)

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Seller:Shpakovskij Vladimir
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a consequence of modern lifestyle of big cities, adverse environmental conditions, chronic stress. It manifests as weakness, fatigue, outshine memory and attention, irritability and psycho-emotional instability, causeless headache, sleep disorders.

Due to the content of natural adaptogens, vitamins, antioxidants, immunomodulators, herbal tea "Invigorating" improves overall health and gives a good mood. Plant components included in the composition of tea, contribute to the rapid restoration of power, harmonize energy and physical potential, they have a tonic effect; stimulate mental activity, improve memory, help the rapid recovery of strength after somatic and infectious diseases.

Phytotea "Invigorating" has adaptogenic and immunomodulatory properties; normalizes metabolic processes, vitaminineral, increases vitality of the body.

Ingredients: thyme herb, leaf BlackBerry, raspberry leaf, leaf cherry, rose hips, the fruit of lemongrass, burdock root.

Action:Conservatorio nervous system, improves concentration (schisandra chinensis fruits), increases tone up muscles and physical performance (schisandra chinensis fruits, rosehips), increases stress (schisandra chinensis fruits), strengthens the immune system (herb thyme, leaf BlackBerry, raspberry leaf, leaf cherry, rosehips, burdock root), improves metabolism (fruit trees, leaf BlackBerry, burdock root, raspberry leaf, cherry), antioxidant protection (schisandra chinensis fruits, rosehips, raspberry leaf, herb thyme, leaf BlackBerry).

Recommended use: to improve health on the background of fatigue, adaptation in stressful situations, when performing heavy physical work, to improve the body's resistance to infections.

Way of application and dose: adults: 1 teaspoon collection 1 a portion (200 ml), pour boiling water, let it infuse for 20-30 minutes. Take 2-3 times a day between meals for 4-6 weeks. Course application each tea can be repeated after 2-3 weeks.

Contraindications: individual intolerance components, children under 14 years of age, pregnant women and breast-feeding.