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Children's outerwear. Jumpsuits, jackets, transformers. Spring-Autumn 2017. Winter 2017.- 2018.

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2017
Price:2 500 $
Seller:Ivanov Viktor Nikolaevich
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Address:Russian Federation, Moscow
Ladies And Gentlemen,
We are producers of top children's clothes from 0 to 3 years of well-known brands MaLeK BaBy.
Currently unable to offer spring, autumn and winter collection 2017 as well as high quality shoes for the little known firm ROBEEZ (France) . Please note that in winter collections of clothes as insulation always use 100% wool or Swan's down. In the spring collection presented simplified versions of the overalls, transformers, envelopes, kits, jackets, etc . In some models there is a possibility of Attiki lining, which makes these models mid-season (i.e. year-round). Are also offered exclusive models of the envelopes of the transformers intended for use in a child car seat. Zipper at the bottom of the envelope turns it into a jumpsuit, which is conveniently fixed with car seat belt.
All products are beautifully packaged, certified according to the standards of the Customs Union, produced in Moscow and steady demand from buyers.
The optimal combination of price-quality.
The necessary amounts guarantee.
Wholesale from 5 products (any, no dimension rows). The prices differ from retail for 50-100% or more.
When working with individuals goods can be paid with the card.
For online stores offer work from stock to stock according to the scheme of DROPSHIPPING.
Depending on the volume of goods sold, we offer the following discounts:

5% discount when you purchase 100000 RUB.
7% discount when buying from 300,000 rubles.
Discount 10% when you purchase from 500,000 RUB.

To examine our products in detail please visit: there you can go to wholesale website where you can download wholesale photoprice in Excel format . Download wholesale photoprice availability, you can also home page: (see footer). In the future You can, not requesting them to familiarise themselves with the availability and make the order at any time convenient for You. After invoicing the order is booked for 2 days.

An order can be made directly on the website or by using the form photoprice and in any form. To buy the range of sizes is optional.

In the application of the existing photoprice with.

Deputy General Director of "tiny-Baby"
Ivanov Viktor Nikolaevich
+7(499) 461-73-72;