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flaschenweise the line for 1 point

Offer type: salePublished: 17.02.2017
Seller:Kotsyuba Sergej
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Address:Kyiv Oblast', Ukraine

Sell seam gluing:

1. Fold gluing machine М880, China
In 2009,
the maximum speed of the gluing medium size - 15 000 - 20 000,
maximum box size 660 mm
the minimum size 70 mm,
one point of gluing,
Appliances in perfect working condition.

2. Flaschenweise line Gandoss & Fossan 75
The maximum format width 750 mm,
1 the point of bonding, Italy
The year, mid 80's
4 meters acceptance,
1 meter packing table,
Performance B2 format: corrugation 80 000/shift, cardboard - even faster.
The machine produced medical boxes, to 280,000 units.
Clear, reliable mechanics,
Excellent working condition, without comment.

067 3748081