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The valve 7401 QUO from manufacturer low price, passport, shipping.

Offer type: salePublished: 20.07.2024
Price:70 $
Company:OOO PKP 'Gazsel'stroj LTD'
Seller:Aleksandr Yur'evich
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Address:Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv, Ukraine
The valve 7401 QUO
The valve balloon quo 7401
The valve of the oxygen quo 7401
quo 7401 from the manufacturer
the valve 7401 quo with delivery to any region of Ukraine, Russia
Passport quo 7401
warranty valve 7101 quo
The valve the purge shut-off QUO 7401
The valve a shutoff balloon QUO 7401 . Housing material: Brass Ljmc 59 -1-1. Working medium: Air, nitrogen, oxygen