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Plate PEAK of 220-0,220-1, and 4 of SPADES,6 from the manufacturer venire inexpensive with delivery to any region of the CIS

Offer type: salePublished: 20.07.2024
Price:25 $
Company:OOO PKP 'Gazsel'stroj LTD'
Seller:Aleksandr Yur'evich
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Address:Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv, Ukraine
Plate PEAK-220V-0.4 A
Drawing number: ПИК220-0.4 A
Manufacturer: VIENYBE (Unibe),Lithuania
Material: ribbon,steel, Sandvik
Options: kit for 1 valve
Compression(compression) gas: nitrogen,hydrogen,air,oxygen,inert gases
Date of manufacture: 2013
The maximum pressure drop,MPa(kgf/cm2): 0,4
Thickness,mm: 0,4
Classification: plate of valve PIC-220-0,4 S AGM ALM
Design: a set of plates

plate PEAK-220V-0.4 A
plate PEAK-220V-0.4 A for PEAK valves OF 220-0,4 AM
plate PEAK-220V-0.4 A for PEAK valves of 220-0,4 AGM
plate PEAK-220V-0.4 A for PEAK valves of 220-0,4 ALM
the set of plates ПИК220-0.4 for PEAK valve-220-0,4 UM
the set of plates ПИК220-0.4 for PEAK valve-220-0.4 AGM
the set of plates ПИК220-0.4 for PEAK valve-220-0,4 ALM
a set of plates of the PEAK of 220-0. 4 AND for repair of valve ПИК220-0,4 UM
a set of plates of the PEAK of 220-0. 4 AND for repair of valve ПИК220-0.4 AGM
a set of plates of the PEAK of 220-0. 4 AND for repair of valve ПИК220-0,4 ALM
plate PEAK-220V-0.4 A supplied by 1 (one) valve
material: ribbon, steel, Sandvik
manufacturer: VIENYBE (Unibe), Lithuania