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LLC microfinance organization Cabbage

Offer type: servicesPublished: 26.02.2014
Seller:Shajhutdinov Radik Faritovich
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Address:Russian Federation
Want to open your company? Want to earn 150,000? LLC microfinance organization Cabbage.
8 1000 800 505
We are looking for partners to develop a sophisticated financial network in Russia.
Cabbage is engaged in granting micro loans.
We offer a complete business! (Will help to open , conduct all business processes, accounting, legal, advertising, control of sales, etc)
Cabbage is the most money network!
With respect 8917 909 1000 Ruslan
or an option
There are people who want to help in the development of the network (who may, at some resources to offer a deductible) please pay with each franchise.