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Cold extrusion press SA-5100

Offer type: salePublished: 26.02.2014
Seller:Vasil'ev Oleg Vladimirovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Yaroslavskaya Oblast', Yaroslavl
The organization implements AS - crank-knee cold extrusion press b, 1993 cent. of the nominal stress - 400 TC, the stroke of the slide - 230 mm, distance between table and slider - 590 mm operating state.
We offer for sale other mechanical presses: IHI, CA, PKZZ I 800/3150 ERFURT, CV, Spiertz 2E60-32, Spiertz N2E60-32, PKZV III 500FS, PKZZ I 500.1, PKnZT VI 500/2500, CB, C, C, PELS (ERFURT) 400/2800, PEZZ-400/1600x1250, K-01, PKZZ III 315/2500, K, CA, K, PL4-30 AIDA, PKZZ III-250, PKZZ III-250/2500 1FS, CBA, CA, KES-250, CV, CVA, CA, K, K, ZDAS LU1000, K, PKE 800/500, KG, K, K, PEE-400, CA, CV, CVA, CV, CA, K, AIDA PS-30, QV, KWB, CA, CH, AIDA PC-20, PKZ-250/800, PKZ-250/II, TDM C.160.134, K, PEE-250, E, LU160-630, KG, KW, K, LU-160, PEE-160, EPU-160, ORSHA-1400, EPU-125, C, CB, LEXN-100C, CA, CD.02, AR-100, AIDA PC-10, CAB, KS, ULS-1, CW, CB, EPU-100, LEU-100M Metalpres, CDC, KDE, CD, CDC, KDE, CD, 828-002, LESP-63A, KDE, CD, KIA, CDC, KDE, CD, CD, CDC, KDE, CD, K, CDC, Smeral LKM-4000, Kurimoto F2500, Smeral LL-2000, K, K, K, CA, K, HKS-400, Smeral LKO-315, CB, HKS-250, CV, K TO 504.003.844 (CB), AKKBV, KBB, CB, K, LL-1000 Smeral, CB, CB, CB, C, CB, PA225 Muller-Weingarten, PA, F, FA, F, FBA, FB, F, PKnVT-VI-800/3150 rpm: n max, PKnT-315/1400, DA190-125, C, Q, DA-160 Metalna, CA.
For more information and pictures on request and on the website TITANTRON.RU