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Centerless grinding machine SASL 3/AE-PC MIKROSA

Offer type: salePublished: 26.02.2014
Seller:Vasil'ev Oleg Vladimirovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Yaroslavskaya Oblast', Yaroslavl
The organization implements MIKROSA SASL 3/AE-PC - centerless cylindrical grinding machine used, 2 units of Greatest diameter sanding - 1...140 mm, Max. length of workpiece (grinding on cutting) - 200 mm Complete state. In the warehouse.
Available for sale other machines: SASL 200x500
M, SASL 125/1A, KOEBAU multimat geomat 150-6, EA, M, S, Paragon RC-1812,
EAM, EV, EA, MA, M, HS-609, DW.
For more information and pictures on request and on the website TITANTRON.RU