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Online store intimate goods

Offer type: salePublished: 25.02.2014
Seller:Diana Serova
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
The age of the business for 4 years.
The site is actively promoted by SEO, as configured contextual advertising (campaign).
Profit from one sale from 1500 to 4000 rubles
The contract with the supplier without purchasing the goods are taken after receipt of order.
Includes database of clients per 1000 people and the trade balance at 30 thousand rubles
The reason for the sale is the desire to retire.
During the month, the seller undertakes to teach business.
Orders come now without investing in advertising.
Average profitability - 70-100 thousand per month with included advertising.
Stable growing demand without seasonal fluctuations.
On sale includes:
1) the Website;
2) Advertising campaign;
3) Contract with a supplier with a wholesale discount;
4) customer Base;
5) trade balance at 30 thousand;
6) Training;