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Hurry! The best honey for half price - only until March 8

Offer type: salePublished: 25.02.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Mytishchi
Advertising Campaign! Specially for our dear women! Sweet life with health benefits! Only we have any number of natural honey - 150 rubles per 1 kg of the Best varieties of honey directly with family apiary "Khoper nature reserve".
- "The Khopyor grass - grained fragrant honey collected from grasses of the meadows and woods of the Khopyor region is ecologically clean Jakovenko on the border of Saratov and Voronezh regions;
- "5 medicinal herbs and honey collection with herbs (sweet clover, motherwort, sage, clover, sunflower);
- Khoper cream-honey - honey "Khoper grass";
- Milk Thistle+Buckwheat - medicinal honey for the elderly;
- Fireweed-cream is the most delicious white honey is a delicacy
Internet-shop "sea of Honey" - Your reliable source of healing natural honey!
Price, rubles: 150
Currency: Rubles