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Online shop doors

Offer type: salePublished: 25.02.2014
Seller:Diana Serova
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Sold the saloon doors with the online store.
Business 6 years.
The salon is located in 5 minutes walk from M. VDNKH
Turnover from 800 thousand per month
Net profit from 150 thousand per month
Profit is confirmed!
Reason for sale - the changing areas.
On sale includes:
1) Interior doors. The premises on favourable terms;
2) trade balance 50 thousand rubles;
3) LTD. (Jur. person);
4) the Website;
5) Customized advertising campaigns;
6) Employees of seller, installers, couriers;
7) Training;
8) Contract with a supplier on favorable terms;