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Internet plumbing shop

Offer type: salePublished: 25.02.2014
Seller:Diana Serova
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Sell full Internet plumbing shop.
A good design business: favorable conditions of work with the supplier without purchasing and Deposit that allows you to pay money (to buy goods) immediately upon receipt of orders from customers. In case of cancellation, the goods are unconditionally refundable. The supplier is located in Moscow inside the Moscow ring road. Collaborate with provider for over 5 years, making over wholesale prices available discounts.
Within one month guaranteed detailed advice on doing business.
Profit - 30% of the retail price, on average 2-3 thousand from the sale, up to 15 thousand
On sale includes:
Domain name
Full site
Contacts vendor saved agreements
Proven courier service