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Stationery economy series Delta by Axent

Offer type: salePublished: 22.02.2014
Seller:Nikolaev Nikolaj
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk
On the call of time the company Axent Gruppe is brand new office kanztovari economy series Delta by Axent.
The availability and versatility of a stationery Delta by Axent for different target groups of consumers. Quality, functionality and classic design! All it managed to bring in the optimum Delta by Axent . Only the most necessary thing for the office at affordable prices.
Stationery Delta by Axent - nothing more. Even in price!
Only the most necessary thing for the office at affordable prices: ball point pens and gel ink, pencils, facilities for office work, briefcases for documents, plastic folders and portfolios, binders, folders, boxes, folders, ring, display books, folders with clamp, folders, envelopes, files, business card holders, pads, staplers and punches, staples, buttons, paper clips, rulers, transportation, knives, scissors, table sets plastic, trays, cleaning products, proofreaders, glue, pencil, paper for notes ...
Buy stationery Delta by Axent on the phone 097 970 95 07, 095 400 2229, 093 993 23 11 Nikolay Nikolaevich
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Stationery Delta by Axent in the catalogue of stationery Axent the link: