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Flip - chart Board on a tripod

Offer type: salePublished: 22.02.2014
Seller:Nikolaev Nikolaj
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk
Flip charts is a mobile demonstration boards, where as the basis for writing is used the surface of a magnetic whiteboard or paper notebooks large format.
Flip charts mounted on a stationary tripod or are mobile - rack with wheels that you can easily move it from one room to another. The height chart is easily adjustable. The size of the surface - sm, h. Price flipchart 860-1050-1030 UAH depending on the design.
The range of accessories for flipchart: markers, sponge to erase, cleaning boards, magnets, memo pads for flip charts.
Flipchart, whiteboard on a tripod on the website
The directory "Demo boards and flip charts available on the link:
Buy a flip chart, Board on a tripod on the phone 097 970 95 07, 095 400 2229, 093 993 23 11 Nikolay Nikolaevich.
Our showroom: ,Dnepropetrovsk, street Krasnozavodsk,3 (district Ostrovsky square).
Free shipping flip chart, Dnepropetrovsk and Dnepropetrovsk region.
Send orders to any city of Ukraine through the "New mail".