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The turnkey car wash

Offer type: salePublished: 20.02.2014
Seller:Menedzher proektov
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
Since 2008 the company "Hydrotek" is a leading manufacturer and supplier of collapsible mobile car wash systems. Over the years the company has built up a complex technological solutions for the production of car washes closed loop through which potential clients have the opportunity to buy comfortable in the operation of the mobile car wash and profitable business.
1,2, 3 or more tower car wash, truck wash, car wash on wheel base, wash on individual projects, service and office complexes, etc. is not a complete list of products of the company Hydrotek. The warranty and after warranty service .
The company "Hydrotek is also a supplier of a large range of related products for car washes all types .