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ArtLife. Free lesson in Argentine tango. on February 22.

Offer type: servicesPublished: 14.02.2014
Seller:Bogdan Pavel
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast'
Good day, friends! We invite You to a Free outdoor lesson in Argentine tango. The lesson will take place on Sunday, February 22 at 16:30. Come! Bring your friends! You will learn the Argentine tango, listen to music, watch a performance of teachers and begin to dance! Lesson will be: Alexey Fokin and Podobina Natalia.
Address: Ul. Obraztsova, 14 (entrance through the checkpoint with Obraztsova street or October lane. follow the directions ArtLife and Studio LimeRoom) Nearest metro station Dostoevskaya. Dress code: comfortable, girls, it is desirable to be in a dress or skirt, all need to have a change of shoes. If you get lost, call us.
See you in the Studio!