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Indian summer

Offer type: salePublished: 13.02.2014
Seller:Shpakovskij Vladimir
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Indian summer series "Primorsky Krai" bracing means to improve the well-being of women in the menopausal period. Normalizes hormonal balance, improves metabolism and activity of the digestive system
Part: rhizome component, dandelion, root dioskoreya, calamus rhizome, herb oregano, the root of skullcap, licorice, currant, leaf sage, concentrate alumina, seed oats.
Indications for use:
Climacteric syndrome, pathologic menopause in women.
The effect of the drug: the main effect is the improvement of health of women in the menopausal period. The complex of biologically active substances allows for easing menopausal symptoms, significantly reduce or eliminate hot flashes, increased sweating, irregular heart rhythm, etc.
Normalizes metabolism and gastrointestinal function. In the product-Indian summer are components such as air, licorice, oats and currants, which normalize hormonal disorders. Seeds of oats is the regulator of liver and pancreas, have a positive impact on all types of metabolism in the body (including fat).
Preventive action: the presence in the product of phytoestrogens prevents excessive accumulation of their own estrogen, prevents tumors of the breast, pancreas and uterus.