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Job-Toddler (Barberry Comp)

Offer type: salePublished: 07.02.2014
Seller:Shpakovskij Vladimir
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Job-Toddler (Barberry Comp)
The release form. Pellets homeopathic.
Granules of uniform, correct spherical shape, white with gray or cream color color, odorless, sweet taste.
Pharmacotherapeutic group.
Complex homeopathic preparation. Drugs used in diseases of the throat.
Pharmacological properties . The effect of the drug is due to its active components. When taking homeopathic compositions job-toddler cease accompanying inflammation of the naso-and oropharynx.
The drug is rapidly and almost completely absorbed, mainly in the mouth and later in the gastrointestinal tract, distributed in tissues and body fluids.
Does not form toxic metabolites. Not deposited in body tissues.
As a part of complex treatment with adenoids, chronic tonsillitis, respiratory diseases, frequent colds in children.