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Sand submersible pumps CPD CPD

Offer type: salePublished: 05.02.2014
Seller:Kalenskaya Majya Yur'evna Yur'evna
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Address:Russian Federation, Chuvashia, Izhevsk
The company "PRO-M" will deliver on the best conditions in a short time from a warehouse and under the order:
The purpose
Submersible sand monoblock centrifugal pumps CPD CPD are designed for pumping products ores and the production of alumina, sand and other abrasive slurries with pH value from b to 8, a density of 1300 kg/m', the temperature is from 5 to 60DC, with solids volume concentration up to 25%, the maximum croup surface of the solid part C to 2 mm, microtonally to 9000 M PA. The pumps can be used for pumping domestic sewage and industrial wastewater. The pumps used in mining, metallurgy, construction and other industriesindustry. The pumps are not designed for pumping liquids in explosive or flammable conditions.
Products factory performance, has all necessary certificates and documents.
Has a progressive discounts for regular customers. Waiting for your requests.
Maya Y.
LLC "PRO-M" , Izhevsk
phone/Fax: (3412)790-593
phone: (950)830-5845, (912)449-5705