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Multistage pumps type TSN

Offer type: salePublished: 05.02.2014
Seller:Kalenskaya Majya Yur'evna Yur'evna
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Address:Russian Federation, Chuvashia, Izhevsk
The company "PRO-M" will deliver on the best conditions in a short time from a warehouse and under the order:
The purpose
Pumps and centrifugal pump designed for pumping of water and liquids that have similar water viscosity and chemical activity, with temperatures up to C (100C), the content of solids by weight to 0.05% and a maximum size of 0.2 mm are Used for pumping water in the water supply systems of industrial and municipal facilities, and is also used for irrigation and drainage of land.
TSN 400-105A
TSN - centrifugal pump;
400 - rated flow, cubic m/h;
105 - rated pump head, m,
and - indicate the turning of the impeller (basic version not specified).
Pumps and units are made in industrial performance and should not be operated in explosive and fire hazardous premises and installations.
The device and principle of operation
Pump - centrifugal, horizontal with polyproline supply and spiral taps, with pruvodnimi channels between stages, impeller side, mounted symmetrically basic disks toward each other and shaft seals sealing type.
Safety precautions
The installation and operation of the units, must be carried out by qualified personnel, knowledgeable design pumps with experience in operation, maintenance and repair of equipment and familiar with the passport of the product.
Products factory performance, has all necessary certificates and documents.
Has a progressive discounts for regular customers. Waiting for your requests.
Maya Y.
LLC "PRO-M" , Izhevsk
phone/Fax: (3412)790-593
phone: (950)830-5845, (912)449-5705