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Condensate pumps CFC

Offer type: salePublished: 05.02.2014
Seller:Kalenskaya Majya Yur'evna Yur'evna
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Address:Russian Federation, Chuvashia, Izhevsk
The company "PRO-M" will deliver on the best conditions in a short time from a warehouse and under the order:
The purpose
The condensate pumps type CFC and pump units on their basis of the type AXD are designed for pumping condensate in the steam and water networks of heat and power units of thermal power plants and clean water with temperature up to 125 0C in the systems of heat and water supply, metallurgy.
Pumps condensate CFC - centrifugal, horizontal, spiral horizontal connector corpus, three-wheel first stage of double-entry. The rotor support is ensured external bearings from the crankcase lubricant. Shaft seal - mechanical with gland packing.
Products factory performance, has all necessary certificates and documents.
Has a progressive discounts for regular customers. Waiting for your requests.
Maya Y.
LLC "PRO-M" , Izhevsk
phone/Fax: (3412)790-593
phone: (950)830-5845, (912)449-5705