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Vortex pumps types VC/VCS

Offer type: salePublished: 05.02.2014
Seller:Kalenskaya Majya Yur'evna Yur'evna
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Address:Russian Federation, Chuvashia, Izhevsk
The company "PRO-M" will deliver on the best conditions in a short time from a warehouse and under the order:
The purpose and design
Vortex pumps are used in systems with low flows and relatively high pressures. Pumps VK-(2G,1G), VCC(2G,1G) - vortex, single-stage, horizontal cantilever. In the housing and the pump cover is made the working chamber of the flow part, which represents an annular channel which is connected with the inlet and outlet nozzles of the pump. The movement of liquid in the annular channel and giving it the necessary energy carried by the impeller, which represents a disk with radial vanes. Video conferencing - self-priming pumps. To ensure self-priming to a discharge tube of the pump is set cap-extender, which allows pre-filled pump videoconferencing to pump out air from the suction pipe. Shaft pumps VK,VKS rotates in two bearings placed in the bores of the bracket. The pumps are manufactured with double or single mechanical seal (set-top box in the legend of the pump-2G or 1G). The pump is driven from the motor via a coupling.
Pumped liquid
The regenerative turbine pumps VK-(2G,1G), VCC(2G,1G) and electric pump units on their basis intended for pumping neutral, slightly aggressive, harmful liquid kinematic viscosity of up to 36•10-6 m2/s (St), with content of solid inclusions is not more than 0.01 mass% and not larger than 0.05 mm, in which the materials flow part does not allow the linear speed of the continuous corrosion than 0.1 mm/year HOST.908-85.
For example videoconferencing 2/26-2D v3.1 TU-06-1213-81, where :
VK - pump type (cantilever);
With - self-priming;
2 - flow, l/s;
26 - head, m,
It is the symbol of the material flow area: And (iron), B (bronze) (stainless);
2G - designation shaft seal (double end);
1G - designation shaft seal (single end);
U3.1; T2 - climatic version and location category.
Products factory performance, has all necessary certificates and documents.
Has a progressive discounts for regular customers. Waiting for your requests.
Maya Y.