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Transformer SCC-0,66, overlay NKR-3, the sensor HC-03, shell OEAP OAAM

Offer type: salePublished: 04.02.2014
Seller:ZAO "Novocheboksarskij elektromehanicheskij zavod" otdel sbyita
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Address:Russian Federation, Chuvashia, Cheboksary
Always available and under the order:
Transformer SCC - 0,66 TPS-0,U TPS,66 TPSO 66, transformer current sensor TPS-0,66 TPS,66, sensor transformer SCC-0,66 TPS,66
The pad contact NKR-3 NKR NKR-C NCRP plate
The sensor leakage current DTU-03 sensor DTU-03 DTU, sensor DTU-02 DTW, the current sensor DTU-3, the current sensor DTU-2
The control device leakage current UKT-03, the device UKT-03 OCT, the device SPS-02 OCT, remote UKT-03 OCT, remote measurement UKT-03 OCT, remote SPS-02 OCT
The presence of shell explosion OEAP, shell explosion OAAM, input cable VK-16 WK. We always have a shell explosion-proof electrical devices OEAP-3,1 B1,5 ExeIIU, shell OEAP-3,1B1,5 ExeIIU, input cable VK-16 B1,5 Mg, input cable VK-V,5 Mg, input cable VC-16V 1,5 Mg with ex approval ExdIU/ExdIICU.
A wide range of relays and electrical equipment at low prices from a warehouse and under the order.
Quality assurance, shipment to Russia. Phone (8352) 747-330, 730-600.
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