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The control device leakage current SPS-02 UKT UKT-03 OCT, the current sensor DTU-02 DTU DTU-03 TO

Offer type: salePublished: 04.02.2014
Seller:ZAO "Novocheboksarskij elektromehanicheskij zavod" otdel sbyita
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Address:Russian Federation, Chuvashia, Cheboksary
From a warehouse and under the order:
An arrester device control leakage current UKT-03 OCT SPS-O3 OCTO, the control device leakage current SPS-02 OCT SPS-O2 OCTO, the current sensor DTU-03 DTU DTU-O3 DUO, an arrester current sensor DTU-02 DTU DTU-O2 DUO, sensor transformer transformer SCC-0,66 TPS,66 TPS-0,U.
Post button PKU-21-111-54 PKU 15-21-111-54 post button PKU-21-121-54 PKU 15-21-121-54 post button PKU-21-131-54 PKU 15-21-131-54 post button PKU-21-141-54 PKU 15-21-141-54 post button PKU-21-151-54 PKU 15-21-151-54 post button PKU-21-161-54 PKU 15-21-161-54 post button PKU-21-171-54 PKU 15-21-171-54 post button PKU-21-181-54 PKU 15-21-181-54, post button PKU-21-211-54 PKU 15-21-211-54 post button PKU-21-221-54 PKU 15-21-221-54 post button PKU-21-231-54 PKU 15-21-231-54 post button PKU-21-241-54 PKU 15-21-241-54 post button PKU-21-251-54 PKU 15-21-251-54 post button PKU-21-281-54 PKU 15-21-281-54 post button PKU-21-321-54 PKU 15-21-321-54 post button PKU-21-331-54 PKU 15-21-331-54, post button PKU-21-341-54 PKU 15-21-341-54 post button PKU-21-351-54 PKU 15-21-351-54 post button PKU-21-431-54 PKU 15-21-431-54 post button PKU-21-441-54 PKU 15-21-441-54 post button PKU-21-541-54 PKU 15-21-541-54.
Low prices, shipment to other regions.
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