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The actuator spring PP-67 PP-C, release relay current RTM PTB, electromagnets EA EV FS OM, block-contact KSA

Offer type: salePublished: 04.02.2014
Seller:ZAO "Novocheboksarskij elektromehanicheskij zavod" otdel sbyita
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Address:Russian Federation, Chuvashia, Cheboksary
Always available and under the order:
The actuator spring PP-67 PP, the drive spring PP-C PPC PP TO (all schemes).
Relay to drive PP-67 PP PP-C CEA-10 PPB-10 relay RTM-1 RTM, relay RTM-2 RTM, relay RTM-3 RTM, relay RTM-4 RTM, relay RTM-5 RTM, relay RTV-1 RT, relay RTV-2 RT, relay PTB-3 RT, relay PTB-4 RT, relay RTV-5 RT, relay RTV-6 RTW. Overlay NKR-3 NKR NKR-C NCRP.
Relay to drive PP-67 PP PP-C CEA-10 PPB-10 relay RTM-I RTM, relay RTM-II RTM, relay RTM-III RTM, relay RTM-IV РТМIV, relay RTM-V РТМV, relay RTV-I RT, relay PTB-II RT, relay RTV-III RT, relay RTV-IV РТВIV, relay RTV-V РТВV, relay RTV-VI РТВVI.
Parts actuator PP-67 PP-C PP the electromagnet off EA 220V, the electromagnet enable EV 220, the relay release-re electromagnet 220, relay electromagnet teo teo-1 teo-2 teo-I FS-II, the mechanism of AR, block-contact KSA-2 XA, block-contact KSA-4 XA, block-contact KSA-6 XA, block-contact KSA-8 CSA, block-contact KSA-10 XA, block-contact KSA-12 CSA.
Quality guarantee, sending in Russia.
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