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Call SM-1 SM-2 MH-1 MH-2, VIZ SWAP Howler RWPs ROF siren SS-1 post signal PSS PSV-s

Offer type: salePublished: 04.02.2014
Seller:ZAO "Novocheboksarskij elektromehanicheskij zavod" otdel sbyita
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Address:Russian Federation, Chuvashia, Cheboksary
Always available and under the order:
The loud call of a fight call SM-1 220V call SM-2 220V call MZ-1 220V call MZ-2 220V call MSM 220V call MSM 220V call S call MS, call SWAP-220 220V SWAP, call the VIZ-220 220V SIT, siren SS-1 220V siren CC1 220V, siren-28 s, siren-40 40C C40 SS, siren SEC-1 SPK, siren explosion proof SU-3 SU-4 SU-5, post signal PVS-412 220V PWSS PWSS-411 220V PVS-413 220V PVS-414 220, PVA-With-411 PVA-With-412 PVA-S-413 PVA-C-414, call SVCF-220 220V SVCF, call SVLP-220 220V SVLP, call SULF-220 220V SWLF, call ZG-1 220V SG, call ZG-2 220V SG, call OST-12 12V DC-12M, call OST-24 24V DC-24M, call DC-80 DC-80M, call SWLF-24/1G 24V SWLF-24/2G SWLF-24/3G SWLF-24/4G, call Howler SVC-220 220V SVC, call Howler SURF-220 220V SURF, super-drummer A 70 A1 24V, super-drummer 70A 110V, super-drummer 70G 110V, bell fan-220 220V KLF, the bell was made the KRF-24G 24V was made the KRF-24, bell CLP-220 220V CLP, bell Howler CLRP-220 220V CLRP, bell-Howler CLRF-220 220V CLRF, Howler PB-1 220V PB-I 24V 110V, Howler PB-2 220V PB-II 24V 110V, Howler RWPs-220 220V RWPs 220V, Howler RVF-220 220V RVF-220V, ratchet TRD-220 220V TRD 220V, ratchet TRD 2-220 220V TRD-II-220V, ratchet TRF TRF 220 220V-220V.
Quality guarantee, delivery in Russia.
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