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Packet switch PV, packet switch PP, switch WU QU HB BK MIC

Offer type: salePublished: 04.02.2014
Seller:ZAO "Novocheboksarskij elektromehanicheskij zavod" otdel sbyita
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Address:Russian Federation, Chuvashia, Cheboksary
In the presence and under the order:
Batch file the batch switch PV1-16 MF 1-16 plastic silumin IP56 switch PV2-16 PV 2-16 plastic silumin Carbolite IP56 switch PV-16 PV 3-16 plastic silumin Carbolite IP56 PV-16 PV 4-16 plastic silumin IP56, switch PV2-40 PV 2-40 plastic silumin IP56 switch PV-40 PV 3-40 plastic silumin IP56 switch PV-40 PV 4-40 plastic silumin IP56, switch PW-63 PV 3-63 switch PV2-63 PV 2-63 plastic silumin IP56, switch PV-100 PV 4-100 PV2-100 PV 2-100 plastic silumin IP56 PV-100 PV 3-100 plastic silumin IP56, switch PW-160 PV 4-160 switch PV2-160 PV 2-160 plastic silumin IP56 switch PW-160 PV 3-160 plastic silumin IP56.
Limit switch KU-701 KU-703 KU-704 KU-706, switch KU KU KU KU, switch WS-150 WS-250 WU-150M WU-250M WU WU , switch WU-701 WU-702 WU WU, switch NV-701 HB-702 NW NW, the counterweight lever for KU-703, the switch VK-VK 200-300 VC VC, switch the MIC-2010 MIC-2110 MIC-2111 MIC-2112 MIC-2113.
Packet switch FG1-16/H2 PP 1-16/H2, P-16/H2 PP 2-16/H2 plastic silumin IP56, PP-16/H2 PP 3-16/H2 silumin plastic IP56, PP-16/H2 PP 4-16/H2 silumin plastic IP56, switch PP-40/H2 PP 2-40/H2 silumin plastic IP56, PP-40/H2 PP 3-40/H2 silumin plastic IP56, PP-40/H2 PP 4-40/H2 silumin plastic IP56, switch PP-63/H2 PP 3-63/H2 PP-63/H2 PP 2-63/H2 plastic IP56, switch PP-100/H2 PP 4-100/H2 PP-100/H2 PP 2-100/H2 silumin plastic IP56, PP-100/H2 PP 3-100/H2 silumin plastic IP56, switch PP-160/H2 PP 4-160/H2 PP-160/H2 PP 2-160/H2 plastic IP56, PP-160/H2 PP 3-160/H2 plastic IP56, switch FG1-16/H3 PP 1-16/H3 PP-16/H3 PP 4-16/H3 PP-16/H3 PP 2-16/H3 silumin plastic IP56, PP-16/H3 PP 3-16/H3 silumin IP56, switch PP-40/H3 PP 2-40/H3 silumin plastic IP56, PP-40/H3 PP 3-40/H3 silumin IP56, switch PP-100/H3 PP 3-100/H3 PP-100/H3 PP 2-100/H3 plastic IP56, switch PP-160/H3 PP 2-160/H3 PP-160/H3 PP 3-160/H3.
Quality guarantee, delivery in Russia.
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