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"EnviroTabs is fuel economy and Finance for Your car

Offer type: salePublished: 01.04.2015
Price:250 UAH
Seller:Evsyukov Aleksandr
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Address:Ukraine, L'vivs'ka Oblast', Lviv

Offer motorists, professionals and Amateurs, men and women can significantly save on the purchase of fuel for their limousines and convertibles.

"EnviroTabs is a biocatalyst fuel for Your car, boat, scooter or any other engine.

* Products gives fuel savings of 25-35% without any any damage to the engine;

* Reduces harmful emissions;

* Reduces maintenance costs of the vehicle;

* Save you money when refueling;

* Increase Power and Your engine;

* Ideal systems for gasoline and diesel fuel and gas.

This should not be confused EnviroTabs" with various chemical additives, the patent for this unique product and its the production was in 2009, the company acquired GreenFoot Global , after technology for the production of these products was declassified NASA and the military.

We invite everyone to become our regular customer or the partner.

Interested in the regional representatives.

Learn how to properly apply EnviroTabs", will consult in the details and nuances,

will deliver the necessary "EnviroTabs", anywhere in the In Ukraine, CIS and far abroad.

"EnviroTabs" the best biocatalyst for saving gas diesel fuel and gasoline

in the car, and superior to any counterparts in almost all parameters.