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Sold/used grinding machines tool shop

Offer type: salePublished: 25.02.2013
Seller:Vasil'ev Oleg Vladimirovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Yaroslavskaya Oblast', Yaroslavl
The company sells used equipment:
1.Cylindrical grinding machine MMF, MMMF (1989 century), MF (1989 century), MW-01 (1987 century), MF (1991 century), W (1977 century);
2.Vnutrikletochnyi machine KV (1972 century), CA (1985 century);
3.Surface grinding machine D (1984 century), LV and LA (3 PCs, 1986...1997 century), DF (1990 century), GM (1973 century);
4.Literlaly machine VV (1995 C.);
5.Machine (stand) for testing abrasive wheels SIP K2 (2 pcs. 1983 and 1984 century). Working condition.
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