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Welcome to the clinic of laser surgery and cosmetology AMG-Esthetician.

Offer type: servicesPublished: 20.02.2013
Seller:Sizov Marat
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Plastic surgery clinic AMG-Esthetician - conducts operations painless, using a hot laser. The first such operation was conducted in 1989 by the leading surgeon of the clinic Ashrafovym Rauf by Ashrafovym. We have 24 years of experience and over 25 thousand patients .Each operation takes no more than an hour and is painless. You will be able to return to everyday life in the same day.In the clinic 5 specialists with experience of 15 years.Have a unique laser surgery: blepharoplasty - the plastic age, otoplastic - correction of ears, labioplasty - recovery labia. Innovative original techniques that have become classical, were developed and conducted for the first time here. Over the years the practice of the physicians practiced skills to perfection. The operation of the laser is an excellent outcome and quick recovery.We also offer beauty treatments:- Removal of spider veins;- Removal of moles; skin tag Removal;- Correction of ingrown nail."AMG Aesthetics" - advanced methods, an experienced doctor!