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Proactively shampoo on the basis of human placenta 1000 rubles

Offer type: salePublished: 03.02.2013
Seller:Pustovojtov Georgij
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
There are several bottles proactive shampoo for treating seborrheic dermatitis, alopecia (baldness) of different origin (universal alopecia, androgenic), psoriasis of the scalp and as a Supplement to proactively the lotion.
Composition. Human placenta stimulating philathropist diluted in ethanol 90% ethanol - 10 ml Tensoactive component - 90 ml
Manufacturer. The Center Of Placental Histotype, Havana, Cuba
Volume: 200 ml shelf Life of up to August 2014.
Delivery in Moscow and Ekaterinburg. Can be sent by mail to any city of Russia.