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Land in Europe, a plot of 6 acres near the sea

Offer type: salePublished: 02.02.2013
Seller:Potapov Aleksej
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
The plot is located in an incredibly beautiful place, close to a European city Saulkrasti,
near the sea on the territory of the ecologically clean district of the Republic of Latvia.
The size of the land is six acres,
and the price is only 55 800 rubles per 6 acres, which is 5 times less
the average cost of land in the resort area.
Affordable price level is achieved through the principle of wholesale
land purchase, which is well-established in Europe.
The promotion is valid until 01.03.2013! (Less than 70 sites)
Important! With 10.02.13 price areas will significantly rise.
For details You can call our Moscow representative
8(910)428-6910 Alexey Potapov
or call one of the numbers in Riga:
phone: +371 28881129, +371 67284895
Address: Riga, brīvības iela 37, 3 st. 9 kab.
Working hours: 12:00-19:00 Website: