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Sell pipe casing h.7 gr.D ATM

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:15 000 UAH
Company:Dneprovskij trubnyij zavod
Seller:Chernaj Maksim Anatol'evich
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk

The proposed casing pipe diameter h.7 mm band strength D, thread type ATM, length R3 (11.5-12m).

In the stock 130 tons.

Our factory also manufactures casing pipes of other diameters, group strength and with different types of threads - ATM, OTG, improvement on the buttress, triangular.

All of our tubing is issued a certificate of quality.

The warranty period of casing one year.

In stock ready casing over 400 tons.

Phones for consultation with a specialist:

+380 56 3788434

+380 67 7370272
