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Brush holders for electric motors and generators AC and DC

Offer type: salePublished: 30.01.2014
Seller:Virich Vyacheslav Mihajlovich
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv
Put the brush holders for electrical machines AC / DC:
the brush holder DP (Drpr) h, h, h;
the brush holder DG DGM (Dbrs) 12,h, h, h, h, h; 30x30; 32x32
the brush holder BPH (DRPC) h, h, h, h;
the brush holder Drpr (TH.031) h,5;
the brush holder DB (DRPs) h, h, h
the brush holder RTP h;
the brush holder DPR h;
the brush holder DRPC (TH.058) h; for traction generators SE-300B, GS-515, GS-517;
the brush holder DRPC (TH.034) 25x40 25x 80 for traction motors of the ED-118A;
the brush holder DTTs (Dtpc), 2(12,h), 2(h), 2(h) to the generators GP, GPA (BELAZ);
the brush holder TH.012 12,h to the motors A-706;
the brush holder Drpr (TH.031) h,5 to pathogens SU-652;
the brush holder DRPC 2(12,h), 2(h), 2(h);
the brush holder DTCs, DTCs 2(12,h), 2(h), 4(h);
the brush holder DRPC 20x50;
the brush holder Crane size 0 - 7;
The strikes TH.022.
For more information, please contact:
+38 (057) 752-70-65