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Cubita Cuban coffee, Serrano, Caracolio

Offer type: salePublished: 30.01.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
Our coffee shop offers to your attention luxury coffees "Cubita", "Serrano selecto", "Turquino montanes", "Cohiba atmosphere", "Montecristo deleggent", "Caracolio".
Unique aroma, delicious taste, which has a black coffee, makes this drink is indispensable in everyday life. Grade of natural Cubita coffee, Turquino and Serrano appreciated by coffee connoisseurs. Cuban coffee beans and ground coffee is considered the best in the world.
In addition to being able to buy coffee, we offer a variety of recipes for coffee from Cuban artists, interesting articles on the topic - how to brew coffee.
Special conditions for corporate clients.
Price, rubles: 250
Currency: Rubles