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Amol the Amol

Offer type: salePublished: 29.01.2014
Seller:duda volodymyr
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Amol from Poland (sell) 250ml-100g
Analgesic, antiseptic, irritant Composition. 1 g contains:menthol 17.23 mg, lemon oil 5.70 mg, cinnamon oil 2.40 mg, lavender oil 2.40 mg, peppermint oil 2.40 mg, flower oil of cloves 1 mg, citronella oil 1 mg. Way of application and dose Inside, 10-15 drops on a lump of sugar or dissolved in 1/2 Cup of water or tea. Inhalation - dissolve 1 teaspoon in a glass of hot water and inhale the steam. Externally - in the form of rubbing or bandages (without using the insulating means), saturated solution of the drug (1:3). Precautions Newborns and infants cannot be put bandage on the skin, especially in the area of the nose; it is not necessary to avoid contact of the drug in the eye. Side effects In sensitive patients may increase bronchoconstriction.Amol recommended if You have:Headache, Migraine,Pain in the chest when breathing, Sore throat, Colds,Pain in the heart, Rheumatic fever with involvement of the heart, Chronic rheumatic heart disease, Acute rheumatic fever, joint Pain, back Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, Defeat or displacement of intervertebral discs, lesions of the trigeminal nerve, Neuralgia and neuritis, trigeminal Neuralgia,Insomnia nonorganic etiology, sleep Disorders, Fatigue, Malaise and fatigue, Somatoform autonomic dysfunction of the nervous system, Somatoform disorder,Myalgia, Other soft tissue diseases, Dorsalgia.Contraindications Hypersensitivity, children's age (up to 4 years).not sold in Ukraine are imported from Poland.Who knows and has used this drug, he knows what it's like magic wand, where comments are unnecessary.Also about Amol can find information on the Internet.