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Chromodynamics included in clinical guidelines HEADLIGHTS

Offer type: otherPublished: 28.01.2014
Seller:GemaKor Press-tsentr
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Address:Russian Federation
All-Russian public organization "Federation of anesthesiology and resuscitation" (PAA) approved clinical practice guidelines for the perioperative management of patients receiving long-term antithrombotic therapy, in which wolltest Chromodynamics.
Preparation for surgery, and the postoperative period in patients receiving long-term antithrombotic therapy is complicated by the necessity of its temporary suspension in connection with riskincreasing.
Long-term antithrombotic (anticoagulant and/or antiplatelet treatment massachutts the prevention of thrombosis and complications of periinfarct attack and other heart diseases, diseases of the peripheral, coronary arteries or venous vessels, artificial heart valves Alikarnassos stent. Interruption of antithrombotic therapy is associated with a probability of occurrence of adverse effects. In this situation, the physician should ascertain the security of the interruption and resumption of therapy.
Clinical guidelines HEADLIGHTS describe modern approaches to the interruption and resumption of long-term antithrombotic therapy in the perioperative period.During the therapy, low molecular weight and nefrackzionirovannam the heparins, vitamin K antagonists, preparememoryforio and daughterhorny monitoring the status of the hemostatic system of the patient is recommended including ispolzovaniem Chromodynamics.
To find and download the text of the guideline "Perioperative management of patients receiving ditallowdimethylammonium therapy" siteassist public organization"Federation of anesthesiology and resuscitation" .
Press center Gemakor
The company "Gemakor" since 2010, develops and manufactures equipment for the laboratory diagnosis of blood coagulation method Chromodynamics. With the aid of test Chromodynamics became possible early diagnosis of disorders of the blood coagulation system - identifying risks of bleeding and thrombosis.
The project grew out of a 20-year fundamental research, which expanded the understanding of the mechanism of action of the blood coagulation system. In 1994 he published the first article on the Biophysics of blood clotting, taking into account the growth mechanism of clot in space. Since then, the research, and later clinical studies have confirmed the diagnostic value of the developed method. Diagnostic test equipment Chromodynamics has received well-deserved recognition among physicians of different specialties.
Production company "Gemakor" is open for cooperation in science and Commerce.